Swami Krishnananda
Welcome to the official website of Sri Swami Krishnananda, a treasure trove of free online resources that delve into the depths of both Eastern and Western philosophies. Whether you are seeking wisdom on Hinduism, mysticism, yoga, meditation, or other aspects of spirituality, this site offers profound teachings to inspire your spiritual journey.
Explore writings, audios, and videos from Swami Krishnananda, a revered disciple of Sri Swami Sivananda and a masterful guide in the quest for Self-realisation. Swamiji's timeless insights challenge the way we perceive life and open the door to transformative perspectives.
This website is your gateway to exploring the path of spirituality and discovering practical wisdom to connect with the Absolute Truth. Whether you are just beginning your journey or are well along the way, these resources provide guidance to help you deepen your understanding and enrich your spiritual life.
If all the potentialities in the mind which are causes of future births can be compressed into a process of intense concentration, many births can be passed through in one birth.