The Ascent to Moksha
Audios of Swami Krishnananda

Discourse 1 - The Art of Receiving Knowledge

Discourse 2 - Understanding and Exceeding our Limitations

Discourse 3 - Our Place in the Cosmos

Discourse 4 - Self-Restraint is Self-Recognition

Discourse 5 - The Essence of Spiritual Life

Discourse 6 - Self-Control is the Essential Nature of Consciousness

Discourse 7 - The Essence and Importance of Morality in Sadhana

Discourse 8 - Bringing Consciousness to Rest in Meditation

Discourse 9 - The Creation of Pleasure and Pain

Discourse 10 - Satisfaction is a State of Consciousness

Discourse 11 - The Definition and Tests of Reality

Discourse 12 - Defining the Object of Meditation

Discourse 13 - Our Preparation for Meditation

Discourse 14 - The Importance of Having Clarity of Our Ideal

Discourse 15 - Evolving the Personality Through the Practice of Meditation

Discourse 16 - Entering the Realm of Impersonal Forces

Discourse 17 - The True Relation of Subject and Object

Discourse 18 - The Stages of Spiritual Yoga or Meditation