The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
by Swami Krishnananda
Table of Contents
Chapter I
- The Universe as a Sacrificial Horse
- The Creation of the Universe
- The Superiority of the Vital Force Among All Functions
- Creation from the Universal Self
- Prajapati's Production of the World as Food for Himself
Chapter II
- The Conversation of Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi on the Absolute Self
- Madhu-Vidya: The Honey Doctrine
- The Line of Teachers and Pupils
Chapter III
- Sacrificial Worship and its Rewards
- The Man in Bondage and His Future at Death
- The Resort of the Performers of the Horse Sacrifice
- The Unknowability of Brahman
- Renunciation, the Way to Know Brahman
- Brahman, the Universal Ground
- The Nature of the Inner Controller
- The Unqualified Brahman
- Many Gods and One Brahman
Chapter IV
Chapter V
- Brahman, the Inexhaustible
- The Three Principal Virtues
- Brahman as the Heart
- Brahman as the True or the Real
- The Real Explained
- The Divine Person
- Brahman as Lightning
- The Veda Symbolised as a Cow
- The Universal Fire
- The Course after Death
- The Supreme Austerities
- The Via Media of Attitude
- Meditation on the Life-Breath
- The Sacred Gayatri Prayer
- Prayer to the Sun by a Dying Person
Chapter 1 (Continued)
Chapter II (Continued)
- The Absolute and the Universe
- The Supreme Goal of Life
- Divine Immanence and the Correlativity of all Things
- The Inner Reality
- The Principles of Meditation
- The Spiritual and the Temporal