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Brahma Sutras
by Swami Sivananda


Section 4: Avibhagena drishtatvadhikaranam: Topic 2 (Sutra 4)

The released soul remains inseparable from the Supreme Soul.

Avibhagena drishtatvat IV.4.4 (537)

(The Jiva in the state of release exists) as inseparable (from Brahman), because it is so seen from the scriptures.

Avibhagena: as inseparable; Drishtatvat: for it is so seen from the scriptures.

A doubt arises whether the individual soul in the state of emancipation exists as different from Brahman or as one with and inseparable from It.

The present Sutra declares that it exists as inseparable from Brahman, because the Sruti texts declare so. "Thou art That, Tat Tvam Asi" (Chh. Up. VI.8.7). "Aham Brahma Asmi, I am Brahman" (Bri. Up. I.4.10). "Where he sees nothing else" (Chh. Up. VII.24.1). "Being but Brahman, he is merged in Brahman" (Bri. Up. IV.4.6). All these Sruti passages declare that the emancipated soul is identical with Brahman.

Such passages as "Just as pure water poured into pure water remains the same, thus O Gautama, is the self of a thinker who knows" (Katha Up. II.4.15), whose object is to describe the nature of the released soul, declare that there is non-separation only. The same follows from the comparison of the soul entering Brahman to rivers falling into the sea.

Passages which speak of difference have to be explained in a secondary sense, expressing non-separation or unity.