Swami Krishnananda in Conversation
by Swami Krishnananda
Compiled by S. Bhagyalakshmi
Table of Contents
- Publishers' Note
- Preface
- Krishnananda: The Purest Crystal
- Gurudev's Durbar
- Handwritten Message
- Photos that Appear in the Book
- The Universal Prayer
- Informal Darshan Hours
- The Gita Rahasya
- Appearance and Reality
- The Atman-Universal
- The Cycle of Life
- Poonthanam's Vaikuntha
- Beyond Mere Reason
- Oneness in Diversity
- Universal Action
- This is That
- The Causeless Absolute
- Symbolism of the Ideal
- Significance of Pinda
- The Concept of Life
- The True Nature of History
- Karma
- Pranayama
- Universal Action
- He, the All Pervasive
- The Path of Glory
- War on Our Minds
- Through Strength of Yoga
- On Silence
- Cosmic Evolution
- Awareness
- Guru Gyan
- Society verses Individuals
- Parabhakti
- Agony Before Ecstasy
- Realising Brahman
- Seeing God in Others
- The Wheel of Nature
- Concept of the Guru