Darshan with Swami Krishnananda
by Swami Krishnananda
Darshan – 1995
- Chanting Om
- Contemplating on the Guru
- Knowing the Knower
- The Law of Nature
- One's Fate after Death
- Physics and Yoga
- The Universal and the Particular
- What is a Housewife?
- Duty towards the World
- Planning for the Future
- Reputation
- Service to People
- Prana and Healing
- Existing for Moksha
- Removing the Ego
- Karma and Choice
- Stopping the Mind
- Human Effort and Divine Meditation
- A Necessary Desire
- Japa of Gayatri Mantra
- A Universal Vision
- The Observer in Quantum Physics
- Chanting Om according to Swami Sivananda
- The Subject and the Object
- Harmony Among People
- Choosing the Mantra
- Values in Human Life
- Universal Law
- Questions about Self-Realisation and Meditation
- God Pulls the World
- Absorbing the Lower into the Higher
- God is Everywhere
- Contradictory Pulls
- Maintaining a Continuous Awareness of Universality
- God and Human Egoism
- Suffering and Disease
- Bhakti Yoga, Viveka, Self-Realisation, Guru
Darshan – 1996
- Abolishing Our Karmic Debt
- Finding a Teacher
- Brahmacharya, Tantra
- Two Types of Shock
- Contemplation on God and Service of Humanity
- After Death
- Repentance and Pride
- Sending Love
- Ekadashi, the Universal Being, Consciousness
- There is No In and Out
- Everything is Fleeting
- Attaining Moksha
- The Background of Thought
- The Role of the Guru
- Swami Sivananda
- The Real Purpose of Life
- Freedom from Limitation
- The Hanuman Chalisa
- One Cosmic Dream
- The Need for a Guru
- God and His Righteousness
- The Eternal Ontological Principle
- Prayer
- Personal Freedom
- One Mind Influencing Another Mind
- Religion, Spirituality and Meditation
- Avatara
- Becoming the Cosmic Mind
- Karma and Rebirth
- Women in India
- Going Beyond the Finite
- Unconditional Love
- Are Dreams Real?
- Cosmic Unity
- Religion is a Threefold Relationship
- Love and Hatred
- Meditation on God
- Knowing Consciousness
- Our Position in the Universe
- Surrender to the Guru
- We are Alice in Wonderland
- Judaism and Hinduism
- Total Thinking
- The Fear of Death
- Social Work
- The Purpose of Life
- Everything is Consciousness
- The Mind is a Pressure Point of Consciousness
- Sadhana is an Enhancement of Being
- Perfection
- Prana Agnihotra
- Nine Obstacles in Meditation
- A Sadhana Technique
Darshan – 1997
- The Essence of Spirituality
- The Divine Life Society
- Questions about The Divine Life Society
- Meditation on God Outside
- Love and Hatred
- Meditation Technique and Service
- Satisfaction of the Soul
- Laser Beams
- Thinking as God Thinks
- Sadhana and Politics
- The Caste System
- Becoming a Friend of God
- Helping Humanity
- Retreating into Yourself
- Modern Physics and the Absolute
- Pratityasamutpada: Dependent Origination
- Many Realms at the Same Time
- Materialism is One Aspect of the Manifestation of God
- A Brief Outline of Yoga
- Determinism versus Freedom of Choice
- Meditation is the Greatest Service
- The Characteristics of a Saint
- Religious Beliefs
- Holi, Mount Meru, Sati
- The Astral and Physical Bodies
- Sankhya and Vedanta, Relativity and Quantum
- Teaching Violent Children
- Archetype and Prototype
- The Quintessence of Spirituality
- God-Realisation and the World
- Slaughtering Cows
- Integrating the Mind
- Vishva Prarthana
- Karma Propelling Us
- The Hindu Religion
- A Gift from God
- Adhyatma, Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva
- Dharma and Morality
- Handling the Mind
- Experiencing the Beyond
- Ahimsa
- Dreams and Sadhana, Compassion or Love
- The Atman and Matter, Liberation, India's Spirituality
- Bhishma and Dharma
- Freud, Adler and Jung
- God, Buddhism and Atheism
- The Atman and Reincarnation
- Day-to-Day Activity and Meditation
- Giddy with God
- The Benefits of Hinduism
- Yoga and Religions
- Vedantic Meditation
- Managing the Mind
- The Mind
- After Reaching That
- Matter and Consciousness
- Total Action
- Parallel Seeing
- Meditate on I Am