Darshan with Swami Krishnananda
by Swami Krishnananda

Darshan – 1995

  1. Chanting Om
  2. Contemplating on the Guru
  3. Knowing the Knower
  4. The Law of Nature
  5. One's Fate after Death
  6. Physics and Yoga
  7. The Universal and the Particular
  8. What is a Housewife?
  9. Duty towards the World
  10. Planning for the Future
  11. Reputation
  12. Service to People
  13. Prana and Healing
  14. Existing for Moksha
  15. Removing the Ego
  16. Karma and Choice
  17. Stopping the Mind
  18. Human Effort and Divine Meditation
  19. A Necessary Desire
  20. Japa of Gayatri Mantra
  21. A Universal Vision
  22. The Observer in Quantum Physics
  23. Chanting Om according to Swami Sivananda
  24. The Subject and the Object
  25. Harmony Among People
  26. Choosing the Mantra
  27. Values in Human Life
  28. Universal Law
  29. Questions about Self-Realisation and Meditation
  30. God Pulls the World
  31. Absorbing the Lower into the Higher
  32. God is Everywhere
  33. Contradictory Pulls
  34. Maintaining a Continuous Awareness of Universality
  35. God and Human Egoism
  36. Suffering and Disease
  37. Bhakti Yoga, Viveka, Self-Realisation, Guru

Darshan – 1996

  1. Abolishing Our Karmic Debt
  2. Finding a Teacher
  3. Brahmacharya, Tantra
  4. Two Types of Shock
  5. Contemplation on God and Service of Humanity
  6. After Death
  7. Repentance and Pride
  8. Sending Love
  9. Ekadashi, the Universal Being, Consciousness
  10. There is No In and Out
  11. Everything is Fleeting
  12. Attaining Moksha
  13. The Background of Thought
  14. The Role of the Guru
  15. Swami Sivananda
  16. The Real Purpose of Life
  17. Freedom from Limitation
  18. The Hanuman Chalisa
  19. One Cosmic Dream
  20. The Need for a Guru
  21. God and His Righteousness
  22. The Eternal Ontological Principle
  23. Prayer
  24. Personal Freedom
  25. One Mind Influencing Another Mind
  26. Religion, Spirituality and Meditation
  27. Avatara
  28. Becoming the Cosmic Mind
  29. Karma and Rebirth
  30. Women in India
  31. Going Beyond the Finite
  32. Unconditional Love
  33. Are Dreams Real?
  34. Cosmic Unity
  35. Religion is a Threefold Relationship
  36. Love and Hatred
  37. Meditation on God
  38. Knowing Consciousness
  39. Our Position in the Universe
  40. Surrender to the Guru
  41. We are Alice in Wonderland
  42. Judaism and Hinduism
  43. Total Thinking
  44. The Fear of Death
  45. Social Work
  46. The Purpose of Life
  47. Everything is Consciousness
  48. The Mind is a Pressure Point of Consciousness
  49. Sadhana is an Enhancement of Being
  50. Perfection
  51. Prana Agnihotra
  52. Nine Obstacles in Meditation
  53. A Sadhana Technique

Darshan – 1997

  1. The Essence of Spirituality
  2. The Divine Life Society
  3. Questions about The Divine Life Society
  4. Meditation on God Outside
  5. Love and Hatred
  6. Meditation Technique and Service
  7. Satisfaction of the Soul
  8. Laser Beams
  9. Thinking as God Thinks
  10. Sadhana and Politics
  11. The Caste System
  12. Becoming a Friend of God
  13. Helping Humanity
  14. Retreating into Yourself
  15. Modern Physics and the Absolute
  16. Pratityasamutpada: Dependent Origination
  17. Many Realms at the Same Time
  18. Materialism is One Aspect of the Manifestation of God
  19. A Brief Outline of Yoga
  20. Determinism versus Freedom of Choice
  21. Meditation is the Greatest Service
  22. The Characteristics of a Saint
  23. Religious Beliefs
  24. Holi, Mount Meru, Sati
  25. The Astral and Physical Bodies
  26. Sankhya and Vedanta, Relativity and Quantum
  27. Teaching Violent Children
  28. Archetype and Prototype
  29. The Quintessence of Spirituality
  30. God-Realisation and the World
  31. Slaughtering Cows
  32. Integrating the Mind
  33. Vishva Prarthana
  34. Karma Propelling Us
  35. The Hindu Religion
  36. A Gift from God
  37. Adhyatma, Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva
  38. Dharma and Morality
  39. Handling the Mind
  40. Experiencing the Beyond
  41. Ahimsa
  42. Dreams and Sadhana, Compassion or Love
  43. The Atman and Matter, Liberation, India's Spirituality
  44. Bhishma and Dharma
  45. Freud, Adler and Jung
  46. God, Buddhism and Atheism