In the Light of Wisdom
by Swami Krishnananda
Table of Contents
- Attunement with Reality
- The Right Relationships Between Things
- Subject Knowing Object
- Yoga is Balance
- How We Perceive
- God, World and Soul
- The Changes That Yoga Brings About
- Possessing Nothing
- The Ignorance of the Mind
- The Operation of the Eternal Law
- Skilled Preparation
- Another Type of Meditation
- The Necessity for Yoga
- The True Relationship With God
- The Laws of Proper Conduct
- Questions That Arise
- What Meditation Is
- The Tendency Towards the Cosmic Being
- Proper Asana
- The Right Channelisation of Energy
- The Kingdom of Heaven is Within
- To Rest In What We Truly Are
- The Universal and the Internal are One
- The Harmonisation of Mind and Breath
- How the Senses Fool Us
- Seeing Through the Delusion of Desire
- The Removal of Sorrow
- The Leap into the Unknown
- The Disentanglement of the Personality
- Detached Perception
- Dissociating Objects from Their Connections
- Overcoming Obstacles
- All-Consuming Devotion to God
- Longing for Realisation