Welcome to Swami Krishnananda's Website
Sri Swami Krishnananda's website offers a wealth of free online resources on Eastern and Western philosophies, Hinduism, mysticism, yoga, meditation and other topics related to spirituality. The website features writings, audios and videos of Swami Krishnananda, a renowned spiritual teacher and disciple of Sri Swami Sivananda.
Swami Krishnananda's teachings are insightful and profound, and they have the power to open up one’s mind to different perspectives on life. This website is a great resource for anyone looking to explore the spiritual side of life and gain insight into way to attain knowledge of the Absolute.
All the procedures of meditation are, in the end, ways of awakening the Soul-consciousness which, in its depth, is, at once, God-consciousness. In brief, meditation is the art of uniting with Reality.