
About Swami Krishnananda
- About Swami Krishnananda and The Divine Life Society
- Autobiography: My Life
- The Drama of the Absolute – a pictorial of Swami Krishnananda along with quotations from Swamiji's writings
- Timeless Calendar of Swami Krishnananda
- 108 Names of Swami Krishnananda
- Essays on the Upanishads and Other Essays: A Souvenir released on Swami Krishnananda's 33rd Birthday
- Glorious Fifty Years of Wisdom and Service
- A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom
- Swami Krishnanandaji Talks about His Early Days
- Swamiji's Journey to Badrinath and Kedarnath
- Photos of Swami Krishnananda's Birth Centenary Celebrations – 2022
- Programmes regarding Swami Krishnananda's Birth Centenary Celebrations – 2022
- Special Postal Cover Released on the Eve of the Birth Centenary Celebrations of His Holiness Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj
- Special Postal Cover Released as Part of the Birth Centenary Celebrations of His Holiness Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj
- A Message given by Swami Vimalanandaji Maharaj, President of The Divine Life Society
- A Message given by Swami Padmanabhanandaji Maharaj, General Secretary of The Divine Life Society
- The Sprout and the Fruit by S. Bhagyalakshmi
- Homage to Swami Krishnananda by S. Bhagyalakshmi
- Sri Swami Krishnananda—A Short Life Sketch by Swami Venkatesananda
- Satsanga with Sri Swami Krishnanandaji as told by Swami Venkatesananda
- Photos of the Special Program for His Holiness Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj 21st Punyatithi Aradhana Day on November 1, 2022
eBooks by Swami Krishnananda
- A Brief Outline of Sadhana
- A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom
- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India
- A Study of the Bhagavadgita
- A Textbook of Yoga
- An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga
- Being the Cosmic Whole
- Brahma Sutras by Swami Sivananda
- Canons of a Perfect Life
- Commentary on the Bhagavadgita
- Commentary on the Kathopanishad
- Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad
- Commentary on the Panchadasi
- Daily Invocations
- Daily Satsanga
- Darshan with Swami Krishnananda
- Essays in Life and Eternity
- Essays on The Upanishads
- Everything About Spiritual Life
- Facets of Spirituality
- Fruit from the Garden of Wisdom
- Glorious Fifty Years of Wisdom and Service
- Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
- In the Light of Wisdom
- India's Ancient Culture
- Interior Pilgrimage
- Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners
- Lessons on the Upanishads
- Living a Spiritual Life
- Moksha Gita
- My Life
- Rare Quotes from a Rare Master
- Religion and Social Values
- Resurgent Culture
- Sadhana – The Spiritual Way
- Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method
- Sessions with Ashram Residents
- Spiritual Aspiration and Practice
- Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals
- Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission
- Studies in Comparative Philosophy
- Swami Krishnananda in Conversation
- The Ascent of the Spirit
- The Ascent to Moksha
- The Attainment of the Infinite
- The Brahma Sutra as a Moksha Shastra
- The Brahma Sutra on the Final Salvation of the Soul
- The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- The Canons of a Perfect Life
- The Chhandogya Upanishad
- The Development of Religious Consciousness
- The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad
- The Essence of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- The Epic of Consciousness
- The Epistemology of Yoga
- The Essence of The Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads
- The Foundation of Sprituality
- The Glory of God - A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana
- The Great System of Yoga Propounded by Patanjali
- The Guru-Disciple Relationship
- The Heart and Soul of Spiritual Practice
- The Heritage of Indian Culture
- The Mandukya Upanishad
- The Mighty Godman of Our Age
- The Mundaka Upanishad
- The Nature of the True Religious Life
- The Path to Freedom: Mastering the Art of Total Perception
- The Philosophical Foundations of the Religious Consciousness
- The Philosophy and Psychology of Yoga Practice
- The Philosophy of Life
- The Philosophy of Religion
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita
- The Philosophy of the Panchadasi
- The Problems of Spiritual Life
- The Process of Spiritual Practice
- The Process of Yoga
- The Realisation of the Absolute
- The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity
- The Secret of the Katha Upanishad
- The Song of God Almighty
- The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita
- The Struggle for Perfection
- The Study and Practice of Yoga
- The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita
- The Tree of Life
- The Universality of Being
- The Vision of Life
- The Yoga of Meditation
- The Yoga System
- Thought for the Day
- Thus Awakens the Awakened One
- To Thine Own Self Be True
- Total Thinking
- True Spiritual Living
- What is Knowledge
- Yoga as a Universal Science
- Your Questions Answered
- Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana
Translations of Swami Krishnananda's Writings
- The Spirit of Education (Japanese)
- Abolishing Our Karmic Debt (Japanese)
- The Purpose of Life (Japanese)
- Existing for Moksha (Japanese)
- Contradictory Pulls (Japanese)
- The Four Conflicts of Life (Japanese)
- The Incarnation of Christ (Japanese)
- The Problems of Spiritual Life (Japanese)
- Twenty-One Important Hints on Sadhana (Japanese)
- Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method (Japanese)
- Yoga as a Universal Science (Japanese)
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita (Japanese)
- The First Step in Meditation (Japanese)
- The Next Step in Meditation (Japanese)
- An Analysis of the Relationship Between the Dreaming Individual and the Waking Individual (Japanese)
- The Limits of Intellect (Japanese)
- Yoga, Meditação e Japa Sadhana (Portugese)
- Yoga, Meditación y Sadhana Japa (Spanish)
- Significado de la Religion y Actitud Espiritual Respecto de la Vida (Spanish)
- La Relación Guru-Discípulo (Spanish)
- El Yoga de Meditación (Spanish)
- El Sistema Yoga (Spanish)
- Los Problemas de la Vida Espiritual (Spanish)
- El Logro del Infinito (Spanish)
- Respuesta a Tus Preguntas (Spanish)
- Las Enseñanzas del Bhagavad Gita (Spanish)
- Verdadera Vida Espiritual (Spanish)
- In the Light of Wisdom (Spanish)
- Moksha Gita (Spanish)
- Le Moksha Gita (French)
- Philosophie de la Bhagavadgita (French)
- Etude et Pratique du Yoga (French)
- La Philosophie de la Panchadasi (French)
- Essais sur les Upanishads (French)
- Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana (German)
- Antwort and Diene Fragen (German)
- Das Geheimnis der Kathopanishad (German)
- Das Guru-Schüler Verhältnis (German)
- Das Yoga System (German)
- Der Aufsteig des Geistes (German)
- Der Baum des Lebens (German)
- Die Bedeutung von Ekadasi (German)
- Die Chhandogya Upanishad (German)
- Die Essenz der Brahma Sutras (German)
- Die Mandukya Upanishad (German)
- Die Universalität des Seins (German)
- Die Verwirklichung des Absoluten (German)
- Die Visionen des Lebens (German)
- Kommentar zur Bhagavadgita (German)
- Mein Leben (German)
- Perlen des Yoga (German)
- Sadhana – der spirituelle Weg (German)
- Satsang mit Swami Krishnananda (German)
- Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu Jayanti Message (German)
- Studien über vergleichbare Philosophien (German)
- Yoga als Universale Wissenschaft (German)
- Wege zum Unendlichen (German)
- Мандукја Упанишада (Serbian)
- Mandukja Upanišada (Serbian in Latin script)
Poetical Writings of Swami Krishnananda
- The Epic of Consciousness
- The Song of God Almighty
- Hymn to the Mighty God
- Principles of a Higher Order of Life
- The Divine Ambassador
- Experiences in Meditation and Hints on the Way of Spiritual Attainment
- On Man
- Dr. Faustus
- Grace of The Lord Siva
- The Tribal
- Hanuman in Lanka
- On Life Eternal
- Caesar's Rome
- Swamiji reads “Abou Ben Adhem” by Leigh Hunt
Categories of Articles by Swami Krishnananda
- Yoga and Meditation
- Spirituality
- Philosophy
- Scriptures
- Divinities and Saints
- Swami Sivananda
- Various Subjects
- Darshan with Swami Krishnananda
- Swami Krishnananda Centenary Series Booklets
Photo Gallery - Photos of Swami Krishnananda
- 1945-1971
- 50th Birthday in 1972
- 1973-1982 Part 1
- 1973-1982 Part 2
- 60th Birthday in 1982 Part 1
- 60th Birthday in 1982 Part 2
- Visit to Puttur in 1982
- Taken in the early 1980's
- South India visit in 1987
- 1983-1988
- 1989-1996 Part 1
- 1989-1996 Part 2
- 1989-1996 Part 3
- 1997-2001
- Uploaded in April 2016
- Uploaded in April 2021
- Photos for print
- More photos for print
- Photos of Deities printed in The Divine Life Magazine in 1946
- The Drama of Consciousness – A Pictorial of Swami Krishnananda
- The Glory of the Self – A Pictorial of Swami Krishnananda
- Swami Krishnananda, The Ideal Saint – A Pictorial of Swami Krishnananda
Audios of Swami Krishnananda
- Audios
- Discourses
- Chanting and Kirtan
- The Bhagavadgita Slokas
- The Devi Mahatmya Slokas
- Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission
- Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana
- Darshan with Swami Krishnananda – 1995-96
- Darshan with Swami Krishnananda – 1997
- Darshan with Swami Krishnananda – 1998
- A Brief Outline of Sadhana
- The Yoga of the Bhagavadgita
- Religion and Social Values
- The Heart and Soul of Spiritual Practice
- True Spiritual Living
- To Thine Own Self Be True
- The Foundation of Spirituality
- What is Knowledge
- The Problems of Spiritual Life
- The Development of Religious Consciousness
- Sessions with Ashram Residents
- Total Thinking
- The Epistemology of Yoga
- The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita
- The Teachings of the Bhagavadgita
- A Study of the Bhagavadgita
- The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity
- The Tree of Life
- The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavadgita
- The Relevance of the Bhagavadgita to Humanity
- The Process of Spiritual Practice
- A Textbook of Yoga
- Everything About Spiritual Life
- The Philosophy of Religion
- The Heritage of Indian Culture
- Lessons on the Upanishads
- Commentary on the Mundaka Upanishad
- The Essence of the Aitareya and Taittiriya Upanishads
- The Esoteric Significance of the Kathopanishad
- The Chhandogya Upanishad
- The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- The Essence of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- Commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad in Hindi
- Commentary on the Isavasya Upanishad in Hindi
- Commentary on the Panchadasi
- The Brahma Sutra on the Final Salvation of the Soul
- The Brahma Sutras as a Moksha Shastra
- The Study and Pratice of Yoga
- Living a Spiritual Life
- Spiritual Aspiration and Practice
- The Ascent to Moksha
- The Nature of the True Religious Life
- Swamiji Reading His Poetry
Text-to-Speech Audios
- Studies in Comparative Philosophy
- Essays on the Upanishads
- Your Questions Answered
- Swami Krishnananda in Conversation
- Facets of Spirituality
- Essays in Life and Eternity
- Fruit from the Garden of Wisdom
- Resurgent Culture
- A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India
- Thought for the Day
Videos of Swami Krishnananda
External Links
- More about Swami Krishnananda
- More about Swami Sivananda
- Online bookshop
- Two podcasts on Swami Krishnananda’s writings: The Nature of Incarnations: Are Christs and Buddhas Second-Rate Heroes? and The Intertwined Nature of the Secular and the Spiritual