Latest Uploads

February 2025
- Humility, Meditation
- The EPUB format of An Analysis of the Brahma Sutra
- Idol Worship, Cosmic Action, Ego, Meditation
- The EPUB format of Isavasya Upanishad for Beginners, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- The End of Suffering
- The EPUB format of The Philosophy of Religion
January 2025
- Four Kinds of Duty
- The EPUB format of Resurgent Culture
- Parvati’s Meditation
- The EPUB format of Yoga as a Universal Science
- Praying for Departed Souls
- The EPUB format of Lessons on the Upanishads, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- No Space, No Time
- The EPUB format of An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga
- On New Year's Eve, three books were released in print. They are available from The Divine Life Society Bookshop:
- Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method
- Yoga as a Universal Science
- The Ascent of the Spirit
December 2024
- Mystical Experience
- The EPUB format of The Vision of Life, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Omnijective Seeing
- The EPUB format of Studies in Comparative Philosophy
- On there are two podcasts about Swami Krishnananda’s writings: The Nature of Incarnations: Are Christs and Buddhas Second-Rate Heroes? and The Intertwined Nature of the Secular and the Spiritual
- An Impersonalised Outlook
- The EPUB format of The Heart and Soul of Spiritual Practice, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- There is No Distance
- The EPUB format of Commentary on the Kathopanishad, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Meditate on I Am
- The EPUB format of The Problems of Spiritual Life
November 2024
- Darshan: Total Action
- Darshan: Parallel Seeing
- The EPUB format of The Realisation of the Absolute, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- The EPUB format of The Epic of Consciousness, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- The Japanese translation of The Spirit of Education
- Matter and Consciousness
- The EPUB format of The Philosophy of the Bhagavadgita, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Discourse: The Eternal Quest
- Darshan: After Reaching That
- Video: Overcoming Space and Time
- The EPUB format of The Study and Practice of Yoga - Volume I, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- The EPUB format of The Study and Practice of Yoga - Volume II, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- The Spanish translation of In the Light of Wisdom
- The Universality of Being has been reprinted and is available from The Divine Life Society bookshop.
- The booklet An Introduction to Sadhana was released for free distribution.
- The Mind
- The EPUB format of Sadhana – The Spiritual Way
The Mahasamadhi of our Most Worshipful and Beloved Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj according to the calendar date is on November 23rd. For this occasion, the following have been uploaded:
The 23rd Anniversary of the Punyatithi Aradhana of our Most Worshipful and Beloved Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj is on November 9th. For this occasion, the following have been uploaded:
October 2024
- Managing the Mind
- The EPUB format of Daily Invocations, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Vedantic Meditation
- The EPUB format of A Short History of Religious and Philosophic Thought in India
- Yoga and Religions
- The EPUB format of The Yoga of Meditation
- The Benefits of Hinduism
- The EPUB format of Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method
September 2024
- Giddy with God
- The EPUB format of Spiritual Import of Religious Festivals, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Day-to-Day Activity and Meditation
- The EPUB format of The Mandukya Upanishad
- The Atman and Reincarnation
- The EPUB format of Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana
- Siva – The Sthita-Prajna
- The EPUB format of Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission
- The EPUB format of Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
- God, Buddhism and Atheism
- Freud, Adler and Jung
- The EPUB format of the Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram
August 2024
- The EPUB format of The Glory of God: A Summary of the Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana has been uploaded, and the PDF format has been upgraded
- Bhishma and Dharma
- The Atman and Matter, Liberation, India's Spirituality
- Dreams and Sadhana, Compassion or Love
- Ahimsa
July 2024
- Experiencing the Beyond
- Guru Purnima – the Full Moon of Spirituality
- Handling the Mind
- Dharma and Morality
June 2024
- Adhyatma, Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva
- A Gift from God
- Ganga’s Connection with Three Gods
- The Hindu Religion
- On the occasion of Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj's Sannyasa Diksha Centenary on June 1st, the audio of The Stature of the Spirit of Swami Sivananda has been uploaded.
May 2024
April 2024
- Discourse: The Entire Universe is Meditating
- Video: Sense Restraint, Concentration and Meditation
- The audio for The Power of Collective Activity
- Translation: Abolishing Our Karmic Debt (Japanese)
- All the videos can now be streamed directly from the Videos page
- The Mundaka Upanishad has been reprinted and is available from The Divine Life Society bookshop.
- God-Realisation and the World
- The Quintessence of Spirituality
- Archetype and Prototype
The 102nd Birth Anniversary of our Most Worshipful and Beloved Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj is on April 25th. On this occasion, the following have been uploaded: