Messages of the President Swami Chidananda
Radiant Divinity,
My beloved fellow Sadhakas treading the path of Divine Life, Om Namo Narayanaya! Jai Sri Gurudev Sivananda!
With immense joy, I avail of this privilege of offering my salutations and my loving felicitations to Revered Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj upon his special 75th Birthday Anniversary, 25th April, 1997. Our long association in the sacred service of Beloved and Worshipful Holy Master Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj spanning a half-century has made us close and affectionate brothers-in-the spirit. This fact adds to my happiness in penning these lines for his Amrita Mahotsava. By the grace of God and loving blessings of Sri Gurudev, we have spent more than half a century of our earthly life in Holy Uttarakhand on the banks of Divine Mother Ganga, in a spiritual fellowship that has been able to weather all the winds of change and the ups and downs that are inevitable to all human relationships. Children of the same parents have different natures, different tastes and opinions. Even so, Beloved Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj and this servant of Gurudev have thought alike and at times thought differently too. We have basic and fundamental similarity in our twin lives which (similarities) are of the very essence. They are the rock foundation of our enduring fraternity. This was seen and blessed by Worshipful Gurudev even as early as the late forties. At times we have differed in our views on certain matters. Yes, even on certain policy and dealings of the Society matters. But, at all times I have never hesitated to speak openly and frankly to Swamiji Maharaj. This has never affected my high regard, admiration, veneration and affection for this incomparable Philosopher, Monastic and Spiritual Personality that Swami Krishnanandaji is. Long may he live and prosper.
I pray to the Supreme universal Spirit and to Worshipful Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj to shower His Divine Grace and Choicest Benedictions upon Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj. May God and Gurudev grant him good health, long life, progress, prosperity and success in his life and actions. May God and Gurudev fulfil all the aspirations of his heart. May revered Swamiji continue receiving abundant affection and love of all his disciples, devotees, admirers and followers of both the East and the West. May he shine as a radiant and effulgent spiritual life guiding and illumining our global human family for long many years to come. May thousands emulate his lofty example and follow his footsteps and be benefited and become illumined. This is my message and prayer for H.H. Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj for whom the heart of this servant cherishes high regard and deep affection. May peace be unto the whole world. May all beings be happy everywhere. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!
Swami Chidananda
Amrit Mahotsav Message of Felicitations
Blessed Immortal Atman!
My dear brethren in Divine Life, OM NAMO NARAYANAYA!
Loving good wishes.
It is a great happiness to me to give this message for the most auspicious Seventy-fifth (75th) Birthday Anniversary of Revered and Esteemed Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj. He is the leading light of Gurudev's Divine Life Society. He is the foremost disciple of worshipful Gurudev and a spiritual personality of towering status to whom thousands upon thousands look for guidance, blessings and inspiration. Long may he live!
I offer my loving felicitations and prayers to the Almighty of his good health, long life and abidance in the Self! May HE abide in the SELF at all times.
I have impressed much more in a separate letter containing a special Message for your Souvenir in which I have put all the feelings of my heart. Read it when the Souvenir is ready. God bless you & all. Again felicitation.
Swami Chidananda