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A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom
A Souvenir released on Swami Krishnananda's 75th Birthday


Message of the Vice-President Swami Madhavananda


It is a great sense of joy to note that the auspicious Amrita Mahotsava of Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj is to be celebrated in the month of April, '97, commencing from the 11th to 25th. It is in the fitness of things that this function will be celebrated for about two weeks and that the disciples and followers of Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj in particular and the public in general who will take part in the august functions. There may be many Mahatmas and Mandaleswars taking part and sharing their knowledge with the Sadhakas and general public and they will be certainly stand to gain by attending the various functions.

Great religious souls are born for reinstating the religion. With the passing of the time the vitality of a religious movement is lost because of unworthy life of the followers. Then comes the time for the advent of another great teacher. In accordance with the needs of the time, he preaches the highest ideals and spiritual discipline to realise them. All great teachers are right for all of them promulgate their views ordered by God Himself. This is possible because through mystic realisation they are attuned to Him and He becomes real to them. But then why is there so much difference in their views? To this it may be pointed out that difference is apparent and not real. It is mainly the difference of emphasis and not content of the goal.

Sri Krishna came and prescribed unselfish work as a major means of realisation. But with the passage of time people forgot the goal and began to work without any purposiveness. As a result the work became meaningless from the spiritual standpoint, because for religious growth it is not only religious action that is necessary, it is religious thinking that is more essential. Then came Buddha. He saw the futility of action without thought and hence rejected it. This created a stir and saved men from callousness to higher mooring.

On this auspicious occasion, I pray Lord Almighty and Sadguru Dev to Bless Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj SATA-SAMVASTARAM the Upanishadic age of one hundred years with robust health and happiness and continue the present Guru Seva, and to this fine sentiment, I add my own.


Sivananda Ashram
Dt. 26th, March, '97

Swami Madhavananda