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A Messenger of Peace and Wisdom
A Souvenir released on Swami Krishnananda's 75th Birthday


The Divine Life Society felt it an honour and a privilege to celebrate the 75th Birth Anniversary of revered Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj in an adequately befitting manner, commensurate with the services being rendered by him to the Society for over half a Century, with singular devotion, dedication and spirit of undiminished renunciation. Though Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj initially was not at all in favour of any such Celebration, true to his spirit of renunciation, he was gracious enough to accede to the wish of the senior monks of the Ashram, thereby leaving very little time for the Swami Krishnananda Amrita Mahotsava Committee for planning its various projects.

One of the projects of the Celebration Committee was to bring out a suitable Souvenir on the occasion, in addition to re-printing some of Swamiji's books, as well as small booklets for free distribution.

We record with great satisfaction that, in spite of the lack of time, the response from devotees, admirers and disciples of Swamiji, has been so spontaneous and immense that the Souvenir has become larger than what we had hoped. It is because countless in number are those who have received an awakening, an inspiration or a total transformation in their lives by their association with the revered Swamiji, who came forward to pen their feeling of gratitude. So profound and deep are Swamiji's love and wisdom that no one who had an occasion to meet him, ever left without being 'touched' or 'affected' by his thoughts. A perusal of the articles in this Souvenir – outpourings of the contributors' experiences and feelings – will reveal the depth and profundity of the Saint in Swami Krishnanandaji. Yet, the Wholeness which is the Real Krishnananda, stands beyond anyone's grasp – both of the intellect and the heart. Truly, therefore, Gurudev said: "He is a wonder to me!"

We wish to express our gratitude to the numerous contributors for their feelingful write-ups which portray in different colours, the multifaceted resplendent personality of the Swamiji; and the value of the Souvenir is enhanced by the Swamiji's own scintillating articles and poems.

It is, therefore, with joy and satisfaction that we are releasing this Commemoration Volume on this auspicious occasion of the Amrita Mahotsava of revered Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj, with the earnest hope that no sincere reader of this Volume will go 'unaffected' by one or the other of the articles, thus bringing a true transformation in his or her inner being.

—Sri Swami Krishnananda Amrita Mahotsava Committee