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Brahma Sutras
by Swami Sivananda


Section 4: Sankalpadhikaranam: Topic 4 (Sutras 8-9)

The soul which has attained the Saguna Brahman effects its desire by mere will.

Sankalpadeva tu tacchruteh IV.4.8 (541)

But by mere will (the liberated souls attain their purpose), because scriptures say so.

Sankalpat: by the exercise of will; Eva: only; Tu: but; Tat-sruteh: because Sruti says so.

The powers and privileges which a liberated soul acquires are stated here.

In the meditation on Brahman within the heart we read as follows: "If he desires the world of the fathers (Pitriloka) by his mere will they come to him" (Chh. Up. VIII.2.1).

A doubt here arises whether the will alone is the cause to get the result, or the will combined with some other operative cause.

The Purvapakshin holds that although scripture says "by his mere will" some other cause must be supposed to cooperate as in ordinary life. Because, as in ordinary experience the meeting with one's father is caused by one's will, and in addition by the act of going and so on, so it will be with the case of the liberated soul also.

This Sutra says that by mere will the result comes, because the Sruti so declares. If any other cause were required, the direct scriptural statements "by his will only" would thereby be contradicted.

The will of the liberated soul is different from the will of ordinary men. It has the power of producing results without any operative cause.

Ata eva chananyadhipatih IV.4.9 (542)

And for this very same reason (the released soul is) without another Lord.

Ata eva: for the very reason, therefore, so; Cha: and; Ananyadhipatih: without any other Lord.

The previous topic is continued.

For the very same reason, i.e., owing to the fact of the will of the released person being all-powerful, he who knows has no other Lord over himself. Because not even an ordinary person when forming wishes, will, if he can help it, wish himself to be subject to another master. Even in this world no one could willingly have master to lord over him. Scripture also declares that a released soul is master of himself. "For them there is freedom from all worlds" (Chh. Up. VIII.1.6).