Section 4: Introduction
The attainment of Brahmaloka by the worshippers of the Saguna Brahman has been treated in the last Section. This Section deals with the realisation of the Highest Brahman by its worshippers.
Adhikarana I:
(Sutras 1-3) the released soul does not acquire anything new but merely manifests itself in its true nature.
Adhikarana II:
(Sutra 4) determines that relation in which the released soul stands to Brahman is that of Avibhaga, non-separation.
Adhikarana III:
(Sutras 5-7) discuss the characteristics of the soul that has attained the Nirguna Brahman. According to Jaimini the released soul, when manifesting itself in its true nature, possesses the attributes which in Chh. Up. VIII.7.1 and other places are ascribed to Brahman, such as Apahatapapmatva (freedom from sin), Satyasankalpatva (true volition) and Aisvarya (Omniscience) etc.
According to Audulomi the only characteristics of the released soul is Chaitanya or pure intelligence.
According to Baadarayana the two views can be combined. The two views describe the released soul from two different standpoints, viz., relative and transcendental and so there is no contradiction between the two.
Adhikarana IV:
(Sutras 8-9) The soul which has attained the Saguna Brahman effects its desires be mere will.
Adhikarana V:
(Sutras 10-14) A released soul which has attained Brahmaloka can exist with or without a body according to its liking.
Adhikarana VI:
(Sutras 15-16) The released soul which has attained the Saguna Brahman can animate several bodies at the same time.
Adhikarana VII:
(Sutras 17-22) The released soul which has attained Brahmaloka has all the lordly powers except the power of creation, etc. There is no return to this world for these released souls.